The university will shift to remote operations and will be physically closed on Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, except for essential personnel. For more information, please visit our emergency information page.

Transportation and Parking

Tulane shuttle parked in front of building on the uptown campus
Tulane makes it easy for students to get around campus and around New Orleans with shuttle and parking services. There are several different shuttle lines that bring students to numerous locations around the city, including the downtown campus as well as shopping and entertainment areas. This makes it easy for students to go shopping or run errands during the week without spending tons of extra money on an Uber or taxi. Students can also take advantage of TransLoc, an on-demand, point-to-point transportation service, which is available every night of the week.

First-year students are not allowed to bring cars to campus, but sophomores and upperclassmen living on campus can buy a parking permit. Commuter permits are available as well for non-campus residents. Metered spaces are located throughout campus for short-term parking and loading/unloading zones are located near many residence halls.